
 I am Rahul Verma. My profile mentions at a high level about my professional stuff and is available as a part of this blog spot, so I want to use this space to talk something else.

I have about 4 years experience in Software Testing and throughout these years, I realized one great thing – Software Testing as a profession is a very challenging job. I have seen people debating on testers versus developers, but I would stick to the fact that they are complementary to each other. Today, a tester is a 50% developer because of growing automation and a developer is a 50% tester because of ever-growing importance of software testing. So, it’s a matter of mutual respect and understanding. Dear Testers (including me)! What will you test if nothing is developed? And dear Developers! What will you deploy if nothing is tested?

It’s time when we should look at software testing projects with a different perspective, so I have named this blog as Software Testing Perspective!

Software testing literature by Scott Barber and Cem Kaner has always been of great guidance to me. I am sure that this blog spot will turn out to be an interesting place to share my views and experiences on the subject.

Rahul Verma.

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